About Us


Enerpro Systems Corp.
351 Bewicke Avenue,
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V7M 3E9

T: 604-982-9155
F: 604-982-9166
Free: 1-877-982-9155


Articles & Research:

Enerpro Systems Eco-Strata Guide

Enerpro Systems is pleased to provide this eco-strata guide to help strata owners significantly reduce their energy costs and their environmental footprint.

The Eco-Strata Guide was written by Emmanuel Prinet from One Earth Initiative Society (http://oneearthweb.org/) with the support of Dagmar Timmer and Vanessa Timmer. This current edition has been co-edited in collaboration with Enerpro Systems Corp.

Enerpro Eco-Strata Guide


Ontario Unit Sub-Metering Licence Granted

The Ontario Energy Board has approved Enerpro’s application and granted a provincial sub-metering license.


The Business Case for Energy Efficiency …is the whole picture

When building managers look at the whole energy picture of a building the benefits become clear.

Many of Enerpro’s customers have adopted the “energy attitude” recommended by BC Hydro. Enerpro helps building managers identify energy opportunities, like inefficient equipment; and analyze the cost and benefits by looking at lifecycle costs, to come up with a program that considers all the benefits.

What the “whole” picture? It’s fixed and variable costs, life cycle costs in addition to capital costs, and benefits like employee productivity, and improved tenant attraction and retention. Enerpro’s knowledge and experience has been instrumental is navigating the fragmented process of the “whole” picture of managing energy. The results for Enerpro’s clients, are unequivocally – savings.

Knowledge, technology and people – are Enerpro’s formula to success. Research and projections provide the data necessary to guide building managers towards changes that count. And real time monitoring allows for adjustments to be made either on site or remotely. “The efficiency of being able to manage multiple buildings at the same time, is in itself, progress”, commented VP Steven Roka. He continued to say that by adding multiple technologies and a well designed program that the results speak for themselves.

